Peridural injection of Mailuoning compound liquor for treatment of prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc in 100 cases.
J Tradit Chin Med. 2009 Mar; 29(1): 6-8Zhi MX, Zhang GB, Hou JC, Yang YH, Wan ZZOBJECTIVE: To observe the therapeutic effects of peridural injection of Mailuoning Compound Liquor for prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc (PLID). METHODS: Peridural injection of Mailuoning Compound Liquor (MCL) was given to 100 cases of PLID, once a week, 4 sessions constituting a therapeutic course. By adopting the scoring method, observations were carried out on the total therapeutic effect and changes in the 13 items of the symptoms and signs. RESULTS: After treatment, the JOA scores in this series of patients were markedly enhanced as compared with the scores before treatment, showing significant differences in the paired t test (P